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Principals Message


Principal’s Message

In today’s competitive world, it is highly important to exhibit how students are being groomed and trained in a school to be global citizens one day. The school – going children of today are undergoing tremendous amount of educational stress, compared to the children 25 years ago. The “Syllabus” has become vaster, examinations have become more mark-oriented and the school bags have become heavier. To us educationists, this has become a “Hobson’s Choice”-between the devil and the deep blue sea. In such situations the children are resorting to take extreme steps. We urgently need to REVAMP the education system. The stress should be on character building along with intellectual growth. Our system is lopsided and tilting towards “fixed” professions like Engineering, Medical and MBA. We need to change the mindset of the Parents as well as educators who consider marks as the only basis to judge the future course of a child.

At Loyola, we have begun introducing several reforms to make learning, STUDENT FRIENDLY. We provide our children with umpteen number of opportunities to excel and prove themselves. Every child is a lamp which can radiate the planet with its luminosity and enlighten humankind. It is the power of education that channelizes their full potential in serving humanity. Academic Excellence with good Moral and Spiritual values has always been Loyola’s first priority as today’s students would shoulder the World Responsibilities tomorrow. Your co-operation will help us to expedite our mission.

We look forward to your continued support. We have “Miles to go before we sleep, Miles to go……!”

God Bless
Fr A.Amaladoss,SJ



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